Traduction off track en Français | Dictionnaire Anglais-Français (2024)



(=path) piste f
→ We covered the last five kilometres on a narrow bumpy track.

(for racing) piste f
→ She ran ten times round the track.
two laps of the track deux tours de piste

[+suspect, animal, vehicle] piste f
They followed his track. Ils ont suivi sa piste.
to be on the track of sb/sth être sur la piste de qn/qch, être sur les traces de qn/qch
the tracks of an animal les traces d'un animal
They followed the tracks for miles. Ils ont suivi les traces pendant des kilomètres.
tyre tracks des traces de pneus
→ The fox didn't leave any tracks.

[trajectory] trajectoire f
→ The Earth crosses the tracks of certain comets.

(for trains) voie f
→ The train on the next track was moving.

(=recorded item) plage f
titre m
This is my favourite track. C'est mon titre préféré.
That's Sonny Rollins singing on that track. C'est Sonny Rollins qui chante sur ce titre.
track 1 plage 1

(=record, count)
to keep track of sth suivre qch
→ We can't keep track of all our sales without a computer.
to lose track s'y perdre
→ He's been away so many times this year that I've lost track.
→ It's so easy to lose track of who's playing who and when.
to lose track of time perdre la notion du temps
I began to lose track of time. Je commençais à perdre la notion du temps.

to be on the right track être sur la bonne voie
→ You're on the right track now.
to be on the wrong track faire fausse piste

to cover one's tracks dissimuler ses traces
→ He burned letters and diaries to cover his tracks.

to make tracks * tracer la route *
→ We'd better make tracks.

on track en bonne voie
to be on track for être en bonne voie pour
We're on track to finish by the deadline. Nous sommes en bonne voie pour terminer à temps.

to stop sb in their tracks figer qn sur place

to stop sth in its tracks interrompre qch brusquement

vt pister
→ I lost my camels, tracked them, and found them again.

cycle track

(in the countryside) sentier m cyclable, (urban) piste f cyclable

(=racetrack) vélodrome m

fast track , fast-track
her career was on the fast track elle progressait rapidement dans sa carrière
the fast track to sth le plus court chemin vers qch
→ Many Croats and Slovenes saw independence as the fast track to democracy ...



[+pupil, student, employee] faire suivre un programme accéléré à
→ Woodward has fast-tracked a number of youngsters into the line-up since he became coach.

(=bring forward)
[+date, event]
→ A Federal Court case had been fast-tracked to Wednesday ...

accéléré (e)
→ He was told that, at 28, he was too old for fast-track promotion.
[system, scheme] accéléré (e)
→ a fast-track system for dealing with petty crimes

inside track

[+sports track] corde f

to get the inside track on sth obtenir des informations de première main à propos de qch
→ I went to meet a literary agent to get the inside track on how to make money from books.
→ Our readers get the inside track on showbiz and soccer.

to have a one-track mind n'avoir qu'une idée en tête

railroad track
n (US) voie f ferrée
→ alongside the railroad track
→ railroad tracks that led to nowhere

running track
n piste f

single-track road
n route f à voie unique

title track
n chanson-titre f
→ They come from Tuam, a place they refer to on the title track of their album, `All the Way From Tuam'.

track down

[+lost person, culprit]
→ relatives, with luck, might be able to track down missing loved ones
→ a detective with a special skill for tracking down murderers
→ their latest attempt to track down America's elusive most wanted man
→ they want to track down terrorists at home
The police never tracked down the killer. La police n'a jamais retrouvé l'assassin.

[+prey, fugitive]
→ It took two years to track him down.

[+supplier, tradesman] trouver
→ Can you help me track down a supplier of window boxes?

[+wanted object] retrouver
→ I finally tracked down a copy in a second-hand bookshop.
→ these pelargoniums, which I had been trying to track down for years,

track and field athletics
n athlétisme m

track event
n épreuve f sur piste

track maintenance
n entretien m de la voie

track meet
n (US) réunion f sportive sur piste

track record
n résultats mpl
→ He has the best track record in the business.
→ First we would always look at a candidate's track record.
His track record in this field is pretty poor. Ses résultats dans ce domaine sont assez mauvais.
to have a good track record avoir fait ses preuves

track shoes
npl pointes fpl
chaussures fpl de course

track system
n (US) système m de répartition des élèves par niveaux

Traduction off track en Français | Dictionnaire Anglais-Français (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.